Monday, February 23, 2009


My Dad and sisters Ellie and Lydia left this morning to go find something to rent in Manitoba. It will be interesting to see how everything works out! It's funny how quickly the events are moving... life seemed to stand fairly still... ;-)

Those of us left behind are trying to get packed and ready to go for when they come back. :-) Poor Hannah and Jesse will have a lot resting on their shoulders as far as all the work of packing, etc. Hopefully, as each day gets better for me, I'll be able to help a little. :-)

I'm not sure if we'll have internet connection in Manitoba... if we don't, I will try to send contact information to those who would like it.

I'll try to post more later. For now, it's dinnertime. :-)

Friday, February 20, 2009


Such sweet children! :-) Gotta love kids.

Ah, that's better.

Ellie... with a typical smirk.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

And I'm back..!

My computer ended up with a virus last week and crashed. :-/ But, thanks to the efforts of several people (thanks guys!), I am again online! Hopefully, I'll be able to keep it that way. ;-)

My health is improving, thankfully. Each day finds me with new energy... and it is a happy thing. :-D My lungs have cleared up, as well.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009


My beautiful sister, Lydia!

And... we went to see the ocean last February! The water was cold. ;-)

Our 'brother' Ray...

Myself in Saskatchewan this fall.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Yesterday we went to WA for the vitamin c I.V. drip. It was a tiring day but it went well. The doctor was knowledgeable and very kind. :-) It is recommended that I have several more of these treatments... not looking forward to the needles, but enjoy the improvement. Actually, getting the needle in yesterday wasn't too bad. He only had to try twice... what a blessing. :-) My past experiences with I.V.s have been less than pleasant.

Improvement feels like more energy right now. Which is pretty exciting!

And moving... well, we're talking Saskatchewan again. Yep. *buckles her seatbelt* It will be interesting to see what happens!

God certainly doesn't let me down when it comes to exciting stuff happening in my life. :-)