Yep, that's right. No snow yet! And, miraculously, I haven't heard of any weathermen lynchings. :-) It's been very cloudy here and the wind has come up a little bit... as I was walking to the library today, it sprinkled on me. But no snow.
Global warming, here we come!!!
Anyway, here are some pictures...
The family...

Lindsey and me.
Miss you!

My sister Ellie and me
Wow! No snow yet? It's been really cold here...of course we never get snow, but it has been below freezing!
I meant to say it has been below freezing at night. We certainly never get below freezing during the day here :-)
It's weird being in December and there being no snow on the ground. I am so not used to that! LOL!
That's odd that you're getting cooler weather and we've been warmer than normal. Isn't life interesting?! :)
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