Friday, January 25, 2013


The other day, I had put a bean soup into the slow cooker in the morning. It had heated nicely and was smelling the house up by the time we got home from work. When we walked in the door, Lydia said, "Ohh. The cat litter is smelling." I smelled for a second then turned to her and said, "Actually, that's the beans." Says something about my cooking, doesn't it? Lol.

I am still in the midst of editing wedding pictures. Even though I had hoped to complete the remainder of them on Wednesday evening, there are still around 100 left. One more evening! Here are a couple that I enjoyed.

Other than that, preparing music festival entry forms has been taking up my time. And oh yes! My phone crashed yesterday morning. Since I use it mostly for teaching and keep very little personal stuff on it, the damage isn't too bad. But it is annoying that I lost all of my contacts. At least we got it working again. I rather need it...

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