Monday, March 18, 2013

The Morning After...

Yesterday afternoon/evening we had another major storm/snowfall.
This time the wind picked up and created major drifts, even in White Bear.
Here's hoping it's the last of the season.

The neighborhood dogs were really having fun. All I can say is: at least something is enjoying this indecent amount of snow.

One of my favorite shots.

Yours truly, shoveling out the top of the driveway.

Lydia took over. I love this picture of her.

The grader operator saw us working and decided to come help us. 
First he removed the remainder of the berm at the top of the driveway.

Then he motioned for us to move out of the way. So we did. Look how excited Lydia is. :-) If I hadn't been holding a camera, I probably would have been jumping up and down for joy. Lol.

It's -31* C. outside so the snow is pretty fluffy.
Look at it just... move out of the way.

So much snow. Here's hoping our drainage system works this Spring.

Lydia's van is turning into a snowbank.

I'm thinking deck party.

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