Friday, March 26, 2010

The Joys of Braces

I am the wearer of braces with dark green rubberbands. This post is for brace wearers especially but even if you haven't ever had pieces of car antennae plastered all over your teeth, feel free to read this and try to pick apart the lingo. For you brace wearing geeks out there, I salute you with heartiness and feeling and much affection. Well, knock out the heartiness part. My pain killer is wearing off.


That's right. On the 23rd (Tuesday) we spent the day in MB getting braces, dental work and little baggies of lovely stuff like flossers and tooth brushes and threaders and nifty little bracket cleaners that I LOVE!!! among other things. :-) It's actually going well, I must admit. The pain hasn't been horrible and it feels healthy brushing three times a day and flossing twice. I am really looking forward to getting them off, though. I keep envisioning my beautiful smile when I'm finished with the 18 months.

The worst thing about it is flossing. Eating takes 2nd place in the very bad category, yes, but flossing is definitely #1. The first time I tried to floss, I got tangled up with the farthest molar on the bottom left. The more I tried to (gingerly) work it off whatever it was tangled on, the more I wished I had three hands: two to work the floss and one to hold a flashlight. (You know how dark it is back there?!) I ended up getting some huge scissors and cutting the floss out of my mouth, which, by that time, was a mess of shredded white material that was slippery and gooey and didn't want to be gripped by anything.

But I won. ::high fives anyone else who has gone through similar degrading situations:: And today, I finally managed to finish my floshing without... wait a minute. That's flossing. Anyways... without saliva dripping off my elbows. Ok. Enough of the gross stuff.

Food is another challenge. I'm beginning to seriously wish that all foods dissolved or liquidated like crackers or stocks. Seriously. I've been subsisting on crackers, macaroni (gingerly), sugarless juice, yogurt, water and... oh yeah. I had gravy and mashed potatoes today for dinner. That was a treat. Everyone else was saying, “Aw man! These potatoes taste so old! I can't believe how horrible they are!” But not me! I was saying, “What beautiful, smooth, delightfully gorgeous potatoes!!!” :-) :-)

For the record, I'm not complaining. I'm merely finding something in this void of eternal misery to be thankful for.

Actually, I digress. It hasn't been that bad at all. I'm really thankful to be getting braces and I'm so looking forward to the pleasures of straight teeth. :-) Beauty takes place #13 in that regard. Of course... beauty doesn't hurt. :-)

End of crazy post. Adieu, my ever patient friends, until next time.


Anonymous said...

Ah I know, braces are one of those things that you gotta love and well, not like so much all at the same time. I had the privilege (?) of wearing them for 2 years between the ages of 10-12. I remember so well every month when they were tightened and things like not being able to eat a hamburger or having to soak a cookie in ice-cream at a birthday party just to be able to eat it.
How many of you got braces?

Naomi T. said...

You make me look forward to the next eternity of my life. :) :) I just managed to chew some small pieces of cracker today... happy about that!

Hannah and I have braces and Lydia will be getting them. She has a retainer right now.

Anyone else in your family have braces?

Anonymous said...

Be thankful you only need them for 18 months! And that you live so far in the boonies that no one will ever see you with them on. :P I completely understand your trials, and your description of flossing had me highly entertained.

It will be worth it when you get them off.

But I do want to see pictures now! Please. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I know....I know. The first couple of times of tightening is not too nice. Actually I don't think I got used to mine until at least 6 months later. Probably not what you wanted to hear... ;)
Just Jac and i have had braces. But a couple of the other kids should probably have/had them...
We have retainers still and I try to remember to wear mine...

Naomi T. said...

Lydia, pictures coming up! :D Hey... I may live way out in the boonies but I've got lots of great boonie neighbors who love me, so I get looked at.

However, a friend told me he thought girls with braces were cute. So, maybe they're not so bad. ;) Did you have them? How long?

Sam, you have me prepared for the worst! :) I'll have to stock up on the yogurt.