Sunday, March 31, 2013

Matthew George

This weekend, Jesse and I traveled to Manitoba to visit Hannah and Daniel... and Matthew. :-) It was so much fun meeting Matthew for the first time. He is very perfect and sweet. 

They are a very happy family. All seem to be adjusting well to his arrival. :-)

Babies and feet. :-)

Motherhood suits her well!!

That expression on his little face makes me giggle every time.

Father and son. Daniel makes a great dad.

Eventually, Jesse's going to make a great father as well.
Someday. :-) 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

all about The Smile

Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts. -- Paramahansa Yogananda

Look back, and smile on perils past. -- Walter Scott

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. -- Dr. Seuss

Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray. -- Lord Byron

They  might not need me, but they might. I'll let my head be just in sight; a smile as small as mine might be precisely their necessity. -- Emily Dickinson

Laughter is day and sobriety is night; a smile is the twilight that hovers gently between both, more bewitching than either. -- Henry Ward Beecher

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Morning After...

Yesterday afternoon/evening we had another major storm/snowfall.
This time the wind picked up and created major drifts, even in White Bear.
Here's hoping it's the last of the season.

The neighborhood dogs were really having fun. All I can say is: at least something is enjoying this indecent amount of snow.

One of my favorite shots.

Yours truly, shoveling out the top of the driveway.

Lydia took over. I love this picture of her.

The grader operator saw us working and decided to come help us. 
First he removed the remainder of the berm at the top of the driveway.

Then he motioned for us to move out of the way. So we did. Look how excited Lydia is. :-) If I hadn't been holding a camera, I probably would have been jumping up and down for joy. Lol.

It's -31* C. outside so the snow is pretty fluffy.
Look at it just... move out of the way.

So much snow. Here's hoping our drainage system works this Spring.

Lydia's van is turning into a snowbank.

I'm thinking deck party.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

You Know You're An Adult When...

you are folding laundry when you realize you have folded a towel the wrong way!

you cringe expecting to get thumped on the head or chastised in some way


when nothing happens

you giggle a little gleefully

and place said towel on the stack

even though

all of the other towels are folded the way your mum showed you

and your OCD gets really annoyed

I love having my own house

end of short story

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

He's Here! He's Here!

Matthew George Ives made his grand appearance yesterday evening around 7:45 Manitoba time. A little over 7 lbs and a little over 20 inches long. The last we heard, Hannah is doing well... exhausted and adjusting, but doing well none-the-less. What a brave mama!!

I haven't got pictures yet but they'll be a-comin'!!

I'm an AUNT. And I have NEPHEW.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Frozen Moments

On Friday the 1st, we went to up to Lindsey's place for Erin's bridal shower. Here you can see the happy bride (right) and her twin. Beautiful smiles all around!

Erin's ring.

We got to eat awesome things like broccoli...

....and cheesecake!!

Plus, I got to see some of my siblings. 

Always a treat. They grow so quickly.

Erin opened her presents, which were all useful, pretty and numerous. :-)

We all received gifts to take home as well. Lindsey  made these marvelous cookies in a jar for the favors.
I believe I am going to make them for theatre peoples some evening.

Then we came home. And it snowed.

A lot. 
We were storm stayed for all of Monday.
And Jesse caught a cold,
Which he gave to me.
I love him. :-)

Monday, March 4, 2013


Heaven wheels above you, displaying to you her eternal glories, and still your eyes are on the ground.
-- Dante Alighieri