…every single time
Jesse sees a picture of a cat he says, “Awwww..”
…almost every time
I put down my plate or bowl or cup, Snow tries to eat or drink from it. That is
so annoying. Ugh. At least he likes me. J
… I love that you can tell people’s mindset so clearly when they post a comment.
…And then there's the moment when Eli Eli
posts a new song they recorded.
scratch Snow’s tummy and he enjoys it so much he falls off the couch.
…I open a
letter from my sisters and it begins with “Dear Naomi, I love you!”
…the day I asked a
student if they’ve had any lightbulb moments over the past week and they
respond, “Uh no. Unfortunately not.” Haha!!
…teaching a
student and seeing the understanding hit them like a freight truck. So
… that dear
friend who texts me and we have a chat about good times. Hello, Molly! Hi Lindsey.
…seeing the
sunlight dyeing the winter trees in red and yellow hues. One of these days I’m
going to get a camera and take some real snapshots...
…staying up
to all hours talking to my mother-in-law. Girl talk is brilliant.
…driving by
myself. I love the feeling that I am no longer dependent on people to help me
get to work or go grocery shopping, etc.
...hearing that my sister Hannah also passed her driver's test and has a Novice 1 license. Yes!!
...hearing that my sister Hannah also passed her driver's test and has a Novice 1 license. Yes!!
10 modules (well, more because some of
them were doubles) of a course that I was taking on Pharmasave. About 10 hours
and 50 pages of hand written notes later, I am happy to say that I have
completed the course.
movie reviews while inspired. In the
past couple of weeks I’ve written and published three movie reviews on Ponderings. I love the feeling of
and listening to kids expressing themselves. The other night I was at Missoula
theatre and was amazed at what two great directors can do with 30 children in a
week. One of them, Kendra (age 8), hadn’t really ever sung in front of anyone
and she pulled off a solo that was awesome.
happy sad all at once. I keep talking to people about Mya Dawn and how her
memorial was so beautiful. She was 21 months old and had only known love her
whole life. The accident was so horrible and the sadness that encompassed the
community was heartbreaking. But the love that was expressed at her memorial was
so wonderful. I can hardly explain what I mean. Little Mya Dawn, may you shine
in the presence of our Lord.
…waking up
…seeing my
husband and feeling a burst of love that makes everything in life better.
…talking to
people during drama practice. The jokes are pretty amusing. J
for wisdom, then receiving it.
God’s grace each moment of every day.
…little boys. There was one sitting behind me at Missoula. I think he was about 4 or 5 and his
mom had him sitting on her lap because he couldn’t see the stage otherwise.
About 30 minutes into it, he says quietly and really patiently, “Mom, I hate
sitting still.”

...watching a great movie and not getting over it for months. One I watched this past week was "The Queen". I thought it was well done. I have always really like Helen Mirren but she was so good in this movie. I understand why my sister-in-law always calls her The Queen whenever she sees her in anything. I have joined the ranks.
I have watched "The Queen" too... yep, the actor is very Queen-like, I agree!
Oh and I am posting photos on my blog, of my trip! www.bekahwall.blogspot.com
What sort of things did your Pharmsave modules cover? just curious :)
Btw, completely a coincidence right...but we are watching THE QUEEN right now! Ali picked it out at the house we are staying at. I've never seen it before, but am looking forward to it :)
We watched THE QUEEN tonight. how ironic is that! ;)
You have a beautiful, lovely life and I am so happy for you. Hurray to Hannah on getting her Novice 1 license. And yes, not having to be dependent on others to go shopping or get around is wonderful and so worth all the stress it took to get there.
Bekah, I shall have to take a peek. :)
Jaclynn, the modules cover everything from product line to theft. How to work with co-workers. How to make sales. Etc. :) They were pretty informative though I must say that they repeated almost everything I had learned through hands-on.
Samantha, thank you! I think my life is beautiful too. And yes, getting the license is totally worth all of the work. I am actually glad it was so hard to get because I appreciate it a lot. :D
Isn't The Queen amazing?!
I hope you will! :) I will be posting the final photos sometime this week! :)
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