Monday, August 29, 2011

Because It's Late and I'm Feeling Emotional

Wedding dress fitting. 
Candy Table. 
Housing people. 
Did I forget to invite someone? 
Cheese cake. 
When are the grandparents arriving? 
Orthodontist appointment. 
Am I going to get sick from the insulation I inhaled? 

and the list goes on....

The stress is beginning to show. And I have so many people helping to carry this! Please pray for me. I want this to be a joyful time for everyone. However, it won't be if the bride ain't happy. Haha! It's easy to get stressed. It's not easy to remain at peace and happy. I have so much to be happy for. I am marrying Jesse and we love each other so very much. I prayed for inlaws that would be like family and they are wonderful. I have beautiful loved ones. Thank you, one and all. Your contributions of time and skill are making this time so much easier.

Jesse. I love you. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Beautiful Moments

These are some pictures I took of at a friend's wedding this month. I am only posting my favorites since the internet connection seems to be hating me tonight. :-P :-) But I hope you enjoy seeing the beauty of the bride and the wedding. It was definitely a highlight of my summer!

Ruth and Justin ... happy bride and groom

I find much art in this picture. 

The cake topper and the pretty cupcakes. Unique. ::happy sigh::

A dear friend of mine wore lace. That is definitely one of the reason I love weddings. They give everyone an excuse to dress in their finest, prettiest clothes. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Be Strong and Of Good Courage

I don't have much time for an update but I was reading this link off of Luke Baer's (hacked [by younger, mischievous siblings: hint! hint!]) FB page and realized how very blessed I am. I needed Jesse and he needed me. We both knew this (though I fought it quite forcefully for what seemed like a very long time). And even though he was scared to death he did what his heart told him was right: he chased me, caught me, told me he loved me, then let me decide.

Each of us is called to a different purpose. When I posted something similar to this on FB, a friend (happily married and expecting their first child) said she pursued her hubby and by the grace of God, landed 'im! I don't believe their is any right or wrong way. But we must be prayerful.

Only by the grace of God am I to be happily and very legally married to my man in 20 days and some odd hours. Only because I prayed and he prayed and God answered.

I wish everyone the happiness and peace we have with each other.

Jesse, I love you. And I can't wait to change my name to Naomi Twietmeyer. :-)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I appreciate E.B White.

Be obscure clearly. 
E.B. White

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Because Life is Good

It's amazing how busy a girl's life can get. I am trying to wrestle enough time out of my day to keep in slight contact with my online and non-online friends, plan wedding, go to camp, clean house and get ready for moving in, work at Pharmasave, play music, figure out my music schedule, etc. I love how I love all the things I do in my life. :-)

But as much as it is great to not be bored, it is also important to spend quiet time, just relaxing. Yesterday Jesse and I drove three of the camp instructors to the airport and and spent the rest of the day in the city, shopping, watching movies and eating. I am trying to conserve money but watching movies for Jesse and me is special. We don't get into the city often so it's a real treat. We watched Captain America and thought it was absolutely brilliant. I love every little thing about it. :-)

I went shoe shopping at Dancer's Den. No such luck. They had really nice shoes but nothing seemed quite right for me... or the occasion. I am really hoping to find something sooner than later. Of course, if all else fails, I can always borrow a pair that I'm trying to base my idea on of perfect wedding shoes. I borrowed them during the "We'll Meet Again" production we did last Fall. They are dancing shoes from the 50's and a nice natural leather. But I would love to find a pair like those for myself!

Anyways. We have a function to attend this evening so I should close this up and get ready to go. :-) I will try to write again and keep you guys updated.

P.S. God has been answering so many prayers. Thank you for all who are praying for us!