Monday, August 29, 2011

Because It's Late and I'm Feeling Emotional

Wedding dress fitting. 
Candy Table. 
Housing people. 
Did I forget to invite someone? 
Cheese cake. 
When are the grandparents arriving? 
Orthodontist appointment. 
Am I going to get sick from the insulation I inhaled? 

and the list goes on....

The stress is beginning to show. And I have so many people helping to carry this! Please pray for me. I want this to be a joyful time for everyone. However, it won't be if the bride ain't happy. Haha! It's easy to get stressed. It's not easy to remain at peace and happy. I have so much to be happy for. I am marrying Jesse and we love each other so very much. I prayed for inlaws that would be like family and they are wonderful. I have beautiful loved ones. Thank you, one and all. Your contributions of time and skill are making this time so much easier.

Jesse. I love you. 


Anonymous said...

I hope you and Jesse will be sooo blessed to look back with great memories of your wedding day. Some things truly matter and perfection in other stuff doesn't so much :) Praying for peace for ya and that things will fall into place!

Bekah said...

I am still reading.... *winks*

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and Jesse!! I know you'll be just fine and the whole thing will go well :) I'm browsing your gift lists today...

Naomi T. said...

Thank you for the prayers. :) It's rather amusing because I was so tired when I posted this... I wasn't even thinking straight. :) :) But we do need the prayer because I will definitely.... and Jesse will definitely and Lydia will definitely and my mil will definitely... have more exhausting, stress filled days before this wedding is over with. :) Your thoughts and kindness are so much appreciated.

Pamela M M Berkeley said...

Praying for you!! I am sure your wedding will be as beautiful as the person I can see through the words of your blog. :)

Naomi T. said...

You made me smile. :) Thank you for the encouragement.