Thursday, March 10, 2011

Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.
Alan Cohen

Interesting thought. I've also been thinking of Paul's statement, "For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content..." Some days are easier than others to feel content in. But if we can just hold on in the rough moments... if we can just see that small glimmer of silver lining. And for me, just to hang on to that knowledge of God wanting only the best for me. 

This morning, I woke up with a fever and all that good stuff. :P I will be glad when this is done and over with. But I am also glad it has happened. It has taught me some lessons and it has forced me to be a better person. 

It has also made me realize who I can count on to go through with me when things aren't all rosy and cheerful. That alone is invaluable. 

But do you know... the one thing it has brought to me? The strength. I did not realize that I could be thankful in spite of everything that has gone wrong today. That is so good. :-) 

Have you learned a truth today? Have you been reminded of a truth today?   


Nila said...

Actually a couple truths! A good word study for myself on "words," "thoughts," "tongue," etc. as I was thinking of communication and the gift of being able to communicate. Living with someone who can't communicate very well and seeing my Dad lose his ability to, had me thinking on it as a beautiful gift and one to use for God's glory. Also, last evening I put into practice a truth that brought such peace. : ) You'd think by now I'd have learned it so well. But thankful God keeps working on us if we desire it. Thoughts and prayers for you during this sickness and praying for healing.

Naomi T. said...

Dear Nila,

I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner to your comment. I did read it and enjoyed it. :)

You are right about the gift of communication. We do take it for granted! I know that you, of all people, would be more appreciative because of the people in your life.

My family prayed for you when your dad passed on. It's hard letting go, sometimes... but harder to hang on.