Sunday, March 13, 2011

Please Pray...

Wow. I must admit that I never thought I would spend my four day weekend bed/house-ridden. Naw. I intended to spend it cleaning and getting ready for another week of teaching... Lol. Well, I've had a little chance to do the latter. But it's so hard to concentrate when you're feeling sick. sick. sick.

And no, I'm still not over this. Yesterday morning saw me throwing up violently and yesterday afternoon and evening found me huddled on the couch with Jesse, recovering from yesterday morning.

This morning, my stomach is deciding whether it should explode or not. I honestly do not feel very well at all. I am just so tired.

But I am still able to sleep! That's a blessing. :-)

Please pray that I'll be on the road to recovery soon and that I'll know whether I should go see a doctor or not. I really don't want to go on antibiotics but this thing is feeling on the verge of out of control. I really need to be back to work on Tuesday and I really need to be back teaching on Tuesday!! Please pray also that I'll hang on to Jesus for dear life...

Thank you. May health be yours...


Anonymous said...

Praying for you girlie, sooo sorry you have not been doing well *hugs* wish I could come and cheer you up & make you some hot tea.

Bekah said...

Praying for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

that sounds awful!! =/ Praying for a quick recovery. May health be yours by Tuesday!! I am feeling a tad under the weather with a throat irritation of some kind and general tiredness but you make me grateful that I feel as well as I do! *hugs* love you!

Lindsey said...

Aw, what a miserable virus. Praying for you! We need you better! :)

Naomi T. said...

Thank you all so much for the prayers. They mean so much to me.