Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May Long Weekend = Downpour

Please pray for my sister Ellie today as she is in surgery. She's had such a rough time the past couple of years... I really hope this solves the problem. No more sleeping with her arm tied down!

It's always exciting, preparing for your very first yard sale! Neither Jesse or I had ever hosted one before. Indeed, we'd never had enough stuff we wanted to rid our lives of to warrant a sale. But we sure do now. :-) Last Friday Jesse and I went through the entire house and decided which things we wanted and which things we did not. It was a huge job. The more nooks and crannies we discovered, the more stuff piled up. Friday was difficult. There were so many nice things in our house and so many nice things that we had gotten else where. Which to keep? To be honest, it was nice to have to choose. Lol! But on the other hand, there were moments when it was so difficult... We ended up hauling three dressers/vanities downstairs, hauling two outside for the sale and keeping one for the master bedroom. They are all antique and beautiful. Some are in better condition than others but they're all amazing! We also took a double bed from upstairs for the sale and brought a single bed upstairs. We're quite pleased with how nice our house looks now. :-)

So, as we were working Friday, Jesse mentioned off hand that this area never has good weather for the May Long Weekend. Sure enough, it alternated between pouring and drizzling all day Saturday. We had a few people in at the sale, but not as many as we would have liked. Over the course of three days (21st, 22nd and 23rd) we sold only a fraction of what we would have liked to. However, we did make a total of $142.70. :-) That we are thankful for!

Well, lesson time is coming right up so I should prepare myself. :-) 


Anonymous said...

praying for Ellie!! I hope it all goes well for her and it brings her much needed relief.

Your 1st yard sale; how exciting!! At least you did manage to sell a bit and have some fun too.

We have on again, off again sun here today. =P Silly weather can't make up its mind!

Andy said...

Your sister's like an angel..I pray she'd be ok during and after the surgery. I like your kind of writing, it's inspiring. It's summer here in the Philippines and yard sale is one of my plans that have been postponed for 2 summers now. Yours is so exciting, I hope I can do mine already. God bless!

Naomi T. said...

Samantha, Thanks so much for the prayers. I just got off the phone with Lydia... apparently they found a torn tendon, which they repaired. I'll hear more later. The best thing is that the surgery went well. :)

Hope you guys get some good weather down there. Are you escaping all of the storms?

Andy, thanks for commenting! Sounds like your also a great postponer! As am I! :) :D Thanks for the compliment, btw! And I'll for sure tell Ellie.

Bekah said...

I was hoping Ellie's surgery went well...keep us posted!

Do be sure to post more pictures of your house soon! ;)