In the past three days, I've had to relearn how to talk and sing three times. Yes, I could still sing. Yes, I could still talk. It was a matter of not wanting to make interesting noises or accidentally emitting saliva while doing so.
I love having braces. I honestly do. But I will cheer the day they come off of my teeth. :-) And I will eat lots of caramel. ;-)
Just thought the world should know my plans for the future and whinings of today.
I can totally relate to this! Isn't it amazing how different one can sound with braces while talking? The hardest thing for me, was not being able to eat a hamburger when we had them, if it was within the 1st week of getting the braces tightened. How long have you had them thus far? We wore ours for exactly 2 years.
I have had mine since March of this year. :) Two years seems like a longgg time. Were you happy when they came off?
I must digress... even though I complain, braces are totally worth it! So thankful to have been given a chance to get mine.
Oh. I'll be glad to eat hamburgers without dividing them into sixteenths. ;)
The saliva is the worst part. You feel like a fool when it comes out unexpectedly!
I know some people who could sing better with their braces and then they came off...
I don't think I'll be one of them. :P Lol. I am still whistling and lisping at the most irritating moments. It does give me a chuckle now and then, however. ;)
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