Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Just Some Observations From My Morning

1: Why is letting God have His way so hard? I know the peace and joy I find in trust. I know the rest and contentment I will have when I stop fighting for what I want. But it's so hard to let go. Why? 

2: I adore muddy cat prints on white linoleum. Remind me never to put white linoleum in a house. Especially the kitchen.

3: And I further adore sunny, beautiful weather in November. Hurrah!

4: I feel so good about myself after I've updated Ponderings. Lol! This morning I wrote a review on the new movie "Prince of Persia". That was fun. :-)

5: Yesterday, I decorated a cake with cartoon character Tasmanian Devil. Within an hour I was writing, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JONATHAN" around poor Tas' face and it was walking out the door under someone's arm. ;-)

6: This morning, I ignored practicality and did my hair just to look pretty. What is wrong with me?? ;-)

7: Looking forward to my first day of teaching of the week.

8: But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. Peter 1: 15 & 16


Anonymous said...

Yay! for Tasmanian Devil, was he fun to do? I take it you have pictures or something that help you do it? I think you have a very fun (albeit perhaps stressful at times?!) job!
We are blessed with warm weather this 1st week too, it has been/will be like 70F here!

Naomi T. said...

Tasmanian Devil was really fun. :) He has a big mouth I get to squeeze lots of red gel into. Lol. It sounds disgusting but that's my favorite part of the picture. ;)

They actually have a tracing machine that sits over the cake. If it wasn't for that, I'd be sunk. Completely. So not an artist.

Work is a little stressful but not as stressful as teaching. I love both, however. :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like you're having lots of fun. Thanks for letting me dump on you. :-) You're a great sister.

Naomi T. said...

Oh, I'm having fun. ;) And I dumped on you as much as you dumped on me... so you're a great sister too. Hehe. We must be related. :P

Lindsey said...

#2. Go with wood and say "No!" to cats. ;)

#3. hits like button

#5. Anything with ice cream cake and gel icing gets a thumbs up!

#6. Perfect! I was finally able to wear some matching earrings that matched my top today. It was fun to attempt to look pretty. ;)

#8. Amen!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Lindsey; go with wood! :) And no indoor kitties! ;)
The cake sounds hilarious!
I adore the weather we've been having; it's wonderful and so spring like!
I can relate to you on trusting God and letting go. Why is it so hard even when I know it's the best for me?

Naomi T. said...

I believe I shall take your advice about the wood. And I know Michele and Will are intending wood in their new house, as well. Seems the only fans of white linoleum are the people selling it.

Linds, you're always pretty. Yes, roll your eyes. ;) But I am of that opinion and it stays. Hehe. So glad you're having fun with your new outfits and accessories!! :D It's exciting learning new things...

Sam, I'm asking the same questions. Albeit, more at peace about it right now. I'm letting go as best as I know how.. And the cake was very gooey and lovely and hilarious. :D

Bekah said...

I love totally random posts! lol :P

Naomi T. said...

They're fun to write. It's similar to playing the piano with no sheet music. ;)