Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I Didn't Say This Unique

Today I spent some time seriously researching for ideas regarding wedding planning.  So many things to sort through and choose from... wow! September is going to be here before we know it. And since I have a million and one things to do besides wedding planning, I figure I should get on with it. This evening, my friend Lindsey called and we Googled and Googled... and Google-d some more. 

She's a really good friend. I'm glad I have a friend like her. :-) 

The first thing we discovered is that there are quite a few options out there. The second thing we realized is that when you type in unique (because, once again, conventional just doesn't cut the bill for me...) you can get some interesting stuff. Google takes you seriously when you ask for something. For instance: 

The wool wedding gown. I think this was from Australia.

 The one with the very long train on top of the sunflowers. 200.8 meters, I believe they said.

The one made from peacock feathers (?). I think this girl has stolen all of the attention at the bridal show. Hail the illustrious... the fantastical... the amazing... wait. IS that a beak? :-P

Did you think 200.8 meters was good? Just add color, some height, a couple of pink trees that clash with that lovely red, 798.2 meters and... 200.8 meters just got blown out of the pretty sunflowers. Imagine dealing with a 999 meter train. The impressive thing about this dress is that it is "purely handmade" and took "three months to be completed".

I know. You don't have to say anything. You always wanted a dress made out of balloons, too. Imagine how comfortable! Every move you made... squeak. Squeak. SQeAk! I'm already shivering and I am just imagining it. I need to sit down. (Pop!)

And lastly, just because it looks so scrumptious (literally) is every girl's dream dress made of nothing else but 1,500 cream puffs by the Ukrainian baker Valentyn Shtefano for his beloved fiancée.

If that doesn't take the cake... er, cream puff... I don't know what would.. 


Lindsey said...

Gives unique a whole new meaning! I be giggling about some of these ones for a while. :)

Nila said...

Wow!!! Unique doesn't seem descriptive enough of a word in these instances!!! Definitely attention grabbers, but comfort doesn't seem to enter into the picture. Looking forward to see what you come up with. : ) September seems like such a long ways off, but I'm sure on the planning end, it will go plenty fast.

Naomi T. said...

I am all about comfort. ;)

I should post some pictures of ideas I like...

Bekah said...

This made me laugh, and at the same time, go WOW! :P Some people were really creative! None look like your type, or mine for that matter, though. lol ;P Let me know when you come up with some ones you are serious about. lol ;D

Anonymous said...

I have seen that wool one before...def. unique!
I think you would look stunning in the peacock one, lol. Yes, those are some unusual dresses for sure.!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the wool wedding gown. Could come in handy in Canada in the winter time ;)
Unique for sure!
Those trains are longer than real trains!! =P
Cream puffs; so your husband can "eat you up" later. lol
Some ideas are so ridiculous that they just stay ideas in people's heads and never get past that stage!

Unknown said...

LOL!.... some peoples dress tastes are quite unique. :-) I guess its nice that they have good imaginations. :-) Sounds like you are having fun... keep googling.

Naomi T. said...

Some of these comments had me chuckling. Your reactions are so varied on the scale of horror and tickled pink ridiculous humor. ;)

One of my students (also a friend) said the peacock dress looked like a million eyes staring out at the crowd.