Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Unashamedly Stolen...

"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they are genuine." -Abraham 


Rachel S. said...

Hey Naomi! I haven't been on here in awhile... just wanted to drop by and say "Hi". I'm glad to see that everything's going well for you- congrats on your engagement.
God bless you, sister!

Anonymous said...

I heard that quote recently and loved it! :)
Because obviously Abe DID NOT say that! ;)
But it's good for a laugh!

Naomi T. said...

Dear Rachel, it *has* been awhile! I have thought of you often!! Thank you so much for the congratulations. :) How have you been?

Samantha, obvious humor always makes me chuckle. I love this quote!! :D

Bekah said...

This made me laugh...so true, so true! :P