Friday, December 3, 2010


Firstly, I eat some breakfast. No comments about late breakfasts allowed. :-P
Secondly, I practice my music and rehearse my lines.
Maybe secondly, I should call Jesse and ask him to lend a listening ear so I don't practice mistakes.
Thirdly, I make sure I am prepared for accompanying the fiddlers that play around 5:30pm
Fourthly, I prepare myself for Dickens and the theatre production this evening...
Fifthly, I somehow experience the Dickens Festival with my loyal, charming and very gallant guide, Jesse.
Sixthly, I accompany fiddlers.
Seventhly, prepare myself again for Theatre Production. :nerves:
Eighthly, we all star in a very funny, very sweet play about a certain Esmeralda Scrooge and her trials and tribulations and how she overcomes herself.
Ninethly, I spend a few hours of the evening with my man and enjoy some wonderful conversation.

Do I not have a wonderful life?? :-)



Bekah said...

So the that you and Jesse?!

Naomi T. said...

Yep. :)

Anonymous said...

YES! :) and thank you for sharing a *real* photo of you two, very nice.

Unknown said...

Sounds like you're enjoying your life. :-) Have lots of fun and am praying for you.

Bekah said...

He makes you look short! :P lol

Bekah said...

Oh and Jesse doesn't look like what I pictured. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your day and the pic of you two. He looks different than in the theater photo but I think he suits you well. He's tall, isn't he?
You DO have a wonderful life!

Naomi T. said...

Bekah, I know he doesn't look like what you were expecting him to look like. ;) And yes, he does make me look short. He's a whole 12 inches taller than I am. :)

Jac, you're welcome. :) :)

Hannah, my dear, thank you for the prayers. :) It sounds like you're loving your life, as well.

Sam, he does suit me. He suits me better than I ever imagined a man could. It's amazing. Mentally, my mouth keeps dropping open from shock. Hehe.

The reason he looks different in the theatre photo is because he had his hair tied back. The beret helped, too. :)