Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 15th -- wood

Last night, I kept waking up thinking about what picture I was going to take today. There is so much "wood" in and around our home that I didn't know what to choose from. Then, at around 2 am, I had an idea that satisfied me: down the hill in back of our house, there is an outhouse. I couldn't remember if all the paint had fallen off or if it had ever even had paint but I decided to take a peek.

So this morning, I grabbed my camera, slipped on my rubber boots and slogged through the mud, down the hill and...
And, guess what? It is indeed weathered wood. 

Do you remember last fall, right after the wedding, we built an addition onto our house? Well, in order to complete the addition, we had to disconnect the plumbing. That meant that we had to use this little sweetheart quite regularly. 
In the dark. 

(Not always in the dark, of course... but those are the memories that stay close to me.)

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