Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22nd -- neighborhood

Actually, where we live, it's spelled with a 'u', like so: "neighbourhood". Just saying. :)

In the winning picture, you see our neighbours' cabins and part of our driveway. You can just barely see our house. It's the brown one... almost in the middle of the picture.

To be honest, I was worried about the picture today. Our neighbourhood is beautiful, rugged and unique. There are so many things I love about where we live. How was I ever supposed to group them together in a single shot? 

As it turns out, we spent over half an hour and 46 pictures looking for it. The lake is slowly melting in the warmth and the wind is drying up the mud. Jesse is feeling better and the cat isn't complaining as much about being outside. :) 

All in all, it made for a beautiful walk. I have such contentment right now!

The bright sunlight, rippled clouds and distant sound of the drums of the powwow have set the mood of the idyllic [belated] ides of March.

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