Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Matthew George Smiling

Yes, I did just name a blog post that. :-D We went up to see my nephew, sister and bro-in-law on the weekend. Needless to say, Matthew stole our hearts again quite effectively. :-)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Things I Like About Today

My student schedule. I would be so lost without it. 
A sister who will pick up lemons for me. 
An acquaintance who gave us a queen bed. We don't have to buy one now. 
High protein food. You can learn to crave protein. Oh yes, you can. 
Lovely people who want to be taught music. 
My beautiful husband. When he gets home, I give him a kiss. 
Computers. I use mine. A lot. 
Laundry baskets. Life is so much better with them in it. 
Movies. We watched five Fast and Furious movies in four days. 
Sherlock Holmes. He will always inspire me. 
Presents. Giving them makes my life. 
Truth. It never ends. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

20 Months -- To Be Loved

All my life, I was told that I was too stubborn, too rebellious and too opinionated. This convinced me that, despite my dearest dreams, I would never find my soul mate because no human being would be able to put up with me.

Little did I suspect that there was a beautiful soul who not only appreciates but encourages my independent spirit. 

Jesse, thank you for loving me for who I am and for never failing to encourage me to improve myself. Thank you for needing me. Thank you for being so pure of spirit and soul. You are the most wonderful human being  I have ever met and I get to spend my life with you.

20 months!! Married life is gooooood!!!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Women Who Inspire -- Helen Keller

I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, 
but I still can do something;
and because I cannot do everything, 
I will not refuse to do something that I can do. 

The most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched,
they must be felt with the heart.

It is wonderful how much time 
good people spend fighting the devil.
If they would only expend the same amount of energy 
loving their fellow men, 
the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui. 

Security is mostly a superstition. 
It does not exist in nature,
nor do the children of men as a whole experience it.
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.
Life is either a daring adventure,
or nothing.  

Death is no more than passing from one room into another.
But there's a difference for me, you know.
Because in that other room, I shall be able to see. 

Love is like a beautiful flower
which I may not touch
but whose fragrance makes the garden 
a place of delight just the same. 

I long to accomplish a great and noble task,
but it is my chief duty to accomplish
small tasks as if they were great and noble.

So long as the memory of certain beloved friends
lives in my heart,
I shall say that life is good. 

I can see, and that is why I can be happy,
in what you call the dark, but which to me is golden.
I can see a God-made world,
not a manmade world.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Ugly Duckling of Life

Be gracious unto me, 
O Lord
for I am in distress;
mine eye is wasted from grief; 
my soul and my body also. 
Psalm of David

For me, forgiveness and compassion are always linked: how do we hold people accountable for wrong doing and yet at the same time remain in touch with their humanity enough to believe in their capacity to be transformed?
 Bell Hooks

He hath made everything beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. 
Ecclesiastes 3:11

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. 
Martin Luther King, Jr

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. 
Helen Keller

Healing hands: an image of hands in a non-dangerous position emitting the color patterns I see in my head when I look at someone. Such a pretty picture. I imagine those hands are the hands of God. I fantasize about the moment those Hands touch you: heart, soul and body are healed at once, in an instant. 

These imaginings of mine might bear some truth. Perhaps two thousand years ago when Jesus healed someone, he lightened their hearts and souls as well. It is very possible that some are called to such healing even now. There is little we understand about the mysteries of God. What I know is the healing process that he has me walk is not so simple nor clean nor beautiful. 

My knees have so many scars on them. I have had two knee surgeries, several altercations with bicycles and many instances involving trees, rocks and metal getting my blood on them. (It's a good thing I didn't grow up in a mystical part of the Universe because I probably would have inadvertently ended the existence the human race more than once.) My scars cover bloody, gaping wounds. They do the trick but they aren't beautiful. Parts of my skin are numb. I have to shave my left leg because any hair that grows where the nerve endings were severed causes me no end of discomfort. (I like shaving my legs anyway but it was a good reason to start!) My knees are not the same knees that learned to crawl nor are they the same knees that steadied the feet tottered across the grass in my grandparent's yard 25 years ago. They are changed.

Like my knees, my soul has met with some accidents. There have been scrapes and bruises, big gaping cuts that I had taped over so no one could see and if you look closely, a fairly ragged tear down the middle. Unlike my knees, these cuts haven't scarred over. No matter how much I tried to mind them, clean them and tuck them away so no one could see, they festered and refused to heal. 

It happened faster than I wanted it to. But the moment came. It was right. The bandages were ripped off: my soul exposed. Fresh air met with the weeping wounds. 

Healing has begun and the pain is excruciating. 

I knew it would be. But I didn't. I did not know I would feel the Universe tremble. I had no idea the lost memories would come and keep coming. My heart breaking into pieces several times a day really had not entered the imagination. Agony leaving no room for anyone else yet welcoming the entire world is also really weird. Plus, feeling free at last and fighting the urge to vomit several times a day doesn't do much for one's appetite or personality. The fear and courage combined makes a strange cup to drink. 

Moments beset me in which I do not want to go on but I'm terrified to stop. Whatever is coming around that corner might be worse than all that I have experienced put together. This is where the secret comes in. Once you have tasted Truth, the lies are suddenly not good enough. The walls of the self made prison are torn away and you realize you don't have to go back

It's like tasting Lemon Meringue pie made with freshly squeezed lemons, ladies and gentlemen. You wonder why you ever thought lemon meringue pie made from the box was even edible. (I'm guessing you're probably starting to question my use of winsome analogies. Haha.)

In all seriousness: healing doesn't come of it's own accord. You have to want it. You must have the courage. You will have to endure no answers, feebleness, faith, anger, being lost, without purpose, forgiveness, overflowing heart, truth, lies, love, agony... it all plays a part. It looks like nothing and smells like failure. You could swear that there is no sense here, no purpose. 

This is where I keep grasping at faith. 

Someday, my eyes will see.

There will be a time when my soul will be whole again.

I might not be a swan but I will be Naomi. 


Friday, April 19, 2013

Because Hugging is Important

Three days ago, Jesse was cleaning up at the shop and managed to get a corrosive substance on his face and in one of his eyes. He immediately went to the bathroom and proceeded to wash it off. Amazingly, he didn't even have redness in the white of his eye, let alone any trouble with his vision. We are so thankful. Every time I see him, hug him, kiss him, I think it again. I am grateful that this incident was simply that: an incident.

Hug your people today. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Music is Awesome

Today, one of my students was playing a piece of music. Suddenly, she stopped and exclaimed, "Ohh! This is in thirds!!" 

Sweeter words a music teacher has never heard. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Self-worth & Forgiveness

Someone recently posted an article about relying on others (and our relationships with them) for our happiness and how we view ourselves. There are many manifestations of this; among them:  Inability to establish and maintain friendships; dominate/submission relationship; needing to be loved by another to feel validated and significant; tolerating abuse or mistreatment from people while excusing their behavior (i.e. he was having a bad day); feeling personally responsible for the way others act and feel; etc., etc.

The article can be found here; if you're curious, take a look.

The fact is, I am fighting these tendencies all day long. At one point I could check off every item listed in this article. Jesse has never wanted or encouraged them, in fact, something he often says is, "What do you think?" or "What would you do?" He has struggled to help me on towards a more healthy place, mentally and emotionally.

I know so many people who are not only living in codependent relationships, they believe this is the way to pleasing God. Thus, it defines your existence. From my own experience and closely observing others who embrace these relationships, I can say that this mindset is damaging in so many ways.

But the realization of bondage didn't hit me until I had been freed. I cannot believe how blind I was, or that I couldn't see even the most basic of truths. It isn't that I have life and love figured out but there is more Truth in my existence than ever before. Gone are the holds of my past. When old habits come back for a visit, I'm able to recognize them and shut the door. It feels good.

The other part of this post is about forgiveness. Some interesting situations have beset my sister and I lately and I needed a reminder. So, I searched for quotes on the subject and found some that really caught my attention. I was also remembering acts of Jesus towards those around him, especially those closest to him. Most significant was the washing of his disciples feet. What a beautiful example of acceptance and forgiveness and humility. He accepted his disciples for who they were (unrepentant, arrogant), utterly forgave their faults (though they did not ask for it) as he washed the dirt away. I seek for such a spirit.

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. 
-- Lewis B. Smedes

He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself, for every man has need to be forgiven. 
-- Thomas Fuller

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that crushed it.
 -- Mark Twain

Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for forgiveness,
 or else forgiving another. 
-- Jean Paul

Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.
 -- Desmond Tutu

No one else can take risks for us, or face our losses on our behalf, or give us self esteem. No one can spare us from life's slings and arrows, and when death comes,
 we meet it alone.
 -- Martha Beck

Courage is grace under pressure. 
-- Ernest Hemingway

Courage is not simply one of the virtues,
 but the form of every virtue at the testing point. 
-- C. S. Lewis

The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. 
-- Coco Chanel

Who could refrain who had a heart to love and in that heart courage
 to make that love known. 
-- William Shakespeare

And one just for fun:

I am told that I talk in shorthand and then smudge it. 
-- J.R.R Tolkien

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Matthew George

This weekend, Jesse and I traveled to Manitoba to visit Hannah and Daniel... and Matthew. :-) It was so much fun meeting Matthew for the first time. He is very perfect and sweet. 

They are a very happy family. All seem to be adjusting well to his arrival. :-)

Babies and feet. :-)

Motherhood suits her well!!

That expression on his little face makes me giggle every time.

Father and son. Daniel makes a great dad.

Eventually, Jesse's going to make a great father as well.
Someday. :-) 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

all about The Smile

Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts. -- Paramahansa Yogananda

Look back, and smile on perils past. -- Walter Scott

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. -- Dr. Seuss

Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray. -- Lord Byron

They  might not need me, but they might. I'll let my head be just in sight; a smile as small as mine might be precisely their necessity. -- Emily Dickinson

Laughter is day and sobriety is night; a smile is the twilight that hovers gently between both, more bewitching than either. -- Henry Ward Beecher

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Morning After...

Yesterday afternoon/evening we had another major storm/snowfall.
This time the wind picked up and created major drifts, even in White Bear.
Here's hoping it's the last of the season.

The neighborhood dogs were really having fun. All I can say is: at least something is enjoying this indecent amount of snow.

One of my favorite shots.

Yours truly, shoveling out the top of the driveway.

Lydia took over. I love this picture of her.

The grader operator saw us working and decided to come help us. 
First he removed the remainder of the berm at the top of the driveway.

Then he motioned for us to move out of the way. So we did. Look how excited Lydia is. :-) If I hadn't been holding a camera, I probably would have been jumping up and down for joy. Lol.

It's -31* C. outside so the snow is pretty fluffy.
Look at it just... move out of the way.

So much snow. Here's hoping our drainage system works this Spring.

Lydia's van is turning into a snowbank.

I'm thinking deck party.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

You Know You're An Adult When...

you are folding laundry when you realize you have folded a towel the wrong way!

you cringe expecting to get thumped on the head or chastised in some way


when nothing happens

you giggle a little gleefully

and place said towel on the stack

even though

all of the other towels are folded the way your mum showed you

and your OCD gets really annoyed

I love having my own house

end of short story

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

He's Here! He's Here!

Matthew George Ives made his grand appearance yesterday evening around 7:45 Manitoba time. A little over 7 lbs and a little over 20 inches long. The last we heard, Hannah is doing well... exhausted and adjusting, but doing well none-the-less. What a brave mama!!

I haven't got pictures yet but they'll be a-comin'!!

I'm an AUNT. And I have NEPHEW.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Frozen Moments

On Friday the 1st, we went to up to Lindsey's place for Erin's bridal shower. Here you can see the happy bride (right) and her twin. Beautiful smiles all around!

Erin's ring.

We got to eat awesome things like broccoli...

....and cheesecake!!

Plus, I got to see some of my siblings. 

Always a treat. They grow so quickly.

Erin opened her presents, which were all useful, pretty and numerous. :-)

We all received gifts to take home as well. Lindsey  made these marvelous cookies in a jar for the favors.
I believe I am going to make them for theatre peoples some evening.

Then we came home. And it snowed.

A lot. 
We were storm stayed for all of Monday.
And Jesse caught a cold,
Which he gave to me.
I love him. :-)

Monday, March 4, 2013


Heaven wheels above you, displaying to you her eternal glories, and still your eyes are on the ground.
-- Dante Alighieri

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Just My Head

Weird things go through my head sometimes. I don't even have to be physically ill to have a muddled head or think strange thoughts. They simply pop up of their own accord, wander around for a couple seconds and vanish.

This morning, as I washed dishes, wrote letters and ate my breakfast of toast with peanut butter with a little (a lot? ::sheepish::) Nutella, listening to the soundtrack from Life of Pi, my thoughts ranged anywhere from:

"Ahhhhh! Because of the internet, there is ABSOLUTELY no privacy in this world any longer!!! Let's all go hide amongst the rocks and pray that the mountains fall on us!!!! Let me eat my toast first. Can't let Nutella go to waste."


"I love that Jesse refuses to eat yogurt. And when I try to feed him pills, we always drop the pill on the floor. Clumsy us. Oh! That time when Jesse decided that blowing off the pill wasn't good enough and he had to rinse it off. Haha! He was like, 'oh no! Now I have pill goo on my fingers!'"


"A very french sound in an Eastern Indian soundtrack... Hm. Strange. Correlation between Indian sounds and French sounds... I thought the British took over India. Not the French. I'll have to make sure and look that up on Wikipedia when I get the chocolate washed off my hands."


"What does faith mean for me, exactly? Does that mean a blind faith? Or a faith mixed with reason? Or perhaps both. This requires more thought. Mm. Peanut butter is way more palatable when combined with chocolate!"

You see that sarcasm has a comfortable home in my head.

I have to make this jumbled head be still so I can actually get anything done. Admittedly, there are moments when I don't want categorized thoughts. I want to indulge; flitting from one thought to the next brings such clarity at times. But there are responsibilities to be met, bills to be paid, hopes to be hoped, work to be done.

I need to pack for our short trip tomorrow. My camera's battery is being charged, the gifts are all on the pink couch and the cards written. Now, I need to get my clothes in order.

Just in case you're thinking that I eat Nutella all the time, allow me to assure you that I only have it on rare occasions. Why, you ask? It's so good!! Yes, indeed.... but there are 2 reasons I refrain from frequent eating of Nutella: 1 -- It's not good for the waistline. 2 -- When there are long periods of time between feastings, I enjoy Nutella more.

Darn it. I sound like an adult. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Pieces of Life

It's always nice to wake up in the morning. It means that I am still alive: ready to wrestle and pin down those annoying trifles of life. Well, maybe not ready, per se. But ... able (?). At any rate, I woke up this morning. Enough said.

Saturday evening (around 5 pm), I suddenly felt like vomiting. I didn't vomit (thank goodness!) and the feeling stayed put until 8 pm or so. In the meantime, my head felt fuzzy and explode-ish. Jesse said I had a high fever. Fever make me crazy girl so we went to bed early on a Saturday night. After a restless sleep, I woke up Sunday morn and ta-da: fever was lessened. I'm still not sure what got me because I have no other symptoms. Thankfully, my body appears to be on the mend and I am doubly thankful that I did not give it to anyone else.

My next topic of discussion is all about weather. (Keep reading; weather in Saskatchewan is the most interesting on the planet. Ha!) We've lost friends and acquaintances this winter and several of those losses were a direct result of the weather. Day 1: -50* C. Day 2: -10* C. Day 3: 2*C. Day 4: 1*C. Day 5: -18* C. Freezing, thawing and freezing again leads to melting, storming and freezing roads. This leads to vehicle accidents; often, it seems, the crashes are big truck versus small(er) car. It wasn't the cold weather or the warm weather that bothered me or made road conditions so bad. It was the frequent changes of temperature. The past three days have been steady, however, and I cannot help but feel joyous about the sunshine. This morning at work, I kept mentioning the weather to the customers. The first five all made some remark in true Eeyore spirit: "Well, I just hope it stays this way..." Oh Saskatchewan peoples, you amuse me!

When we first moved into our house, we noticed the office had been leaking. Jesse was concerned about putting his computer into that space for this very reason. However, after covering the computer with plastic for months and never having it leak again, we slowly forgot about the danger and stopped being so cautious. One evening right after Valentine's Day, Jesse got home from work while I was still teaching music... and noticed, to his great dismay, that there was water leaking onto his computer. Upon further inspection, he discovered that his keyboard was directly dripped on and even after many ministrations of drying and putting a million screws back into it (who knew keyboards needed that many implements to hold themselves together!!), only half the keys worked. The circuit board was literally fried. :-P Thankfully, the computer itself was unharmed but it is now covered entirely by plastic bags when not in use.

This is horrible (and not funny at all) but I always giggle in spite of myself: he was putting together dvd of movie clips for the memorial service of a friend (he had to go borrow a keyboard from his parents so he could actually finish the project). By the time he was finished, there were no less than 6 drips dripping all around him. He would be busy working away when suddenly, "Ahhh!! ANOTHER ONE??!" He had bowls sitting everywhere. He would actually have to reach around a bowl to work on his computer. Yeah, imagine that one in your head. As I said: horrible, not funny at all. But such a sketch, eh? Btw, I do find his determination inspiring and my sympathies are with him. I think we need to (1: move the computer. (2: try to figure out where the leak is coming from and why it only leaks there every two years.

Minot was graced with our presence last Monday and Tuesday. We stayed at a hotel, shopped and, most importantly, got Lydia's passport on the roll. Actually, most importantly, we relaxed and had fun. :-) I was a bundle of nerves from living life and needed some down time. We had so much fun. Waterslides, shopping for gifts, buying underwear (that was annoying), eating (hot pretzel bites smothered in melted butter and dipped in sugar cinnamon...), watching a movie... AND I also had two cups of chai.

I love tea and I love chai the best. Add cream and a small dab of sugar to a thick brew of chai and you hold a little bit of heaven in a mug. The world is a better place with a cuppa chai. :-)

On the 16th, we held/attended a memorial service for a good friend of ours. He was part of our theatre group and well loved. We think his life ended much too soon. He did leave a legacy, however. He brought happiness to each life he touched. Because he was an American transplanted into Canada, I was asked to play the anthems for both countries at the service. It was an honor that I will not soon forget. If you think of his family (wife, mother, children, grandchildren...), a prayer for peace and joy to them would be most appreciated. We will never forget you, Dean.

So yeah. Life just keeps moving on. Rapidly. Always good but sometimes the good is really good. (It's been mostly really goods since I met Jesse. :-)) I kept waiting for a moment of inspiration to write but suddenly decided to today was the day I would make my inspiration. Thus, the jumbled thoughts of a certain person who wishes there were more hours in the day. Each moment is a precious gift. I am enjoying mine and I hope you're having great fun with yours!

Friday, February 8, 2013


Learn to be what you are
and learn to resign with good grace
 all that you are not. 
Henri Frederic Amiel

Saturday, February 2, 2013

That Kind of Day

Over 1000 pictures held under close scrutiny in the period of a month. A single photograph consists of many things: texture, color, shapes, lines, happy, sad, laughter, anger... A thousand captured moments. You see the subjects over and over; you study their eyes, their mouths, hands, feet, legs, personalities. You do not judge because what is so, is so. The emotions flow over you, leaving little trace behind. You accept the cleansing because you must understand the picture before accepting it as a photograph.

After hours studying my own photographs, I have become more familiar with the persons in them. But the familiarity extends beyond the subjects: I have seen myself. In each picture, there I am; behind the veneer of the sweet flower girl or the happy couple; my selfdom, that force of me, glows distinct. The pictures are not about me; they are about someone else. Yet, I am part of them; I cannot help being here. 

There is certain amount of power in that. It is both ridiculously frightening and exhilarating to realize something in us is so significant; how we can change the lives of so many people with a single word or action:  such as... taking a picture. Yet, we forget we possess it: we grow accustomed to it, or perhaps we abuse it or maybe we never realized our potential. We are humans; we exist. That alone is mind blowing. When you add to it the fact that we are created in God's image, it becomes further astounding. 

I am told that I over think  insignificant, small things that should sometimes stay that way. I see the logic in this mindset. When I become angry over something small, my tendency is to feel very guilty for a very long time. Guilt is good... until you crown it king and allow it to rule. C.S. Lewis once said, "I sometimes think that shame, mere awkward, senseless shame, does as much toward preventing good acts and straightforward happiness as our vices can do." Pondering something is good until it takes the joy and spontaneity out of life. We need balance: knowledge of the power that exists in our souls plus the realization of how small we are in comparison to the Universe. 

It brings a question to mind: if my essence is so blended with all I touch, is not God here with us as well? He exists but we do not fully understand how or where. We catch glimpses in nature, in people, in situations: "Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me." Matthew 25:44-45

 ::inserts another C.S. Lewis quote which inspired me today:: "The essential meaning of all things came down from the 'heaven' of myth to the 'earth' of history. In so doing, it partly emptied itself of its glory, as Christ emptied Himself of His glory to be Man.... That is the humiliation of myth into fact, of God into Man; what is everywhere and always, imageless and ineffable...becomes small, solid—no bigger than a man who can lie asleep in a rowing boat on the Lake of Galilee." 

What is my conclusion then? I am sincerely happy to be done editing Carole-Lyne's wedding photographs. Haha. I shall continue on doing my best; trying to help people see that life is more about just existing. To stop when I begin just existing and to begin living. That way today is a tea and C.S. Lewis type of day. :-) 

Friday, January 25, 2013


The other day, I had put a bean soup into the slow cooker in the morning. It had heated nicely and was smelling the house up by the time we got home from work. When we walked in the door, Lydia said, "Ohh. The cat litter is smelling." I smelled for a second then turned to her and said, "Actually, that's the beans." Says something about my cooking, doesn't it? Lol.

I am still in the midst of editing wedding pictures. Even though I had hoped to complete the remainder of them on Wednesday evening, there are still around 100 left. One more evening! Here are a couple that I enjoyed.

Other than that, preparing music festival entry forms has been taking up my time. And oh yes! My phone crashed yesterday morning. Since I use it mostly for teaching and keep very little personal stuff on it, the damage isn't too bad. But it is annoying that I lost all of my contacts. At least we got it working again. I rather need it...

Saturday, January 19, 2013

All About Merry Christmas, Weddings, Sickness, Creativity Absences and Some Pictures...

For me, sick sucks all the creativity out of my brain. That's why it's been one month and a day since my last post. No excuses. Just fact. 

Note: that virus... bug... whatever it was... was nasty. Keep in mind that I only had it once, along with a kidney infection. Lydia had it three times. I don't envy her. Imagine having a high fever, nasty cough, draining sinuses, headache, chestache, backache, body ache and a runny nose. Imagine getting over it and then getting it again... twice. I'm quite thankful that I only had it that one time. 

So, here's to good health, keen minds and a passion for words. 

The holidays were tremendous. First, there was the Carol Festival. I played four solos on the piano and sang with the Cornerstone Theatre group at the local United Church. It was festive. And nerve wracking. It is so different singing/playing in a troupe as opposed to performing by oneself. The nerves... oh the nerves! Each year, it seems that I leave the place going, "I'm not doing this next year. I'm not doing this next year." But this is the third time and this year, I didn't even bother. I like it, in a weird, twisted sort of way. The nerves... the performance... it keeps me fresh. 

Then, I got sick. I went to the doctor. She said, "kidney infection", which is why, among the other symptoms, my back was bothering me. She wrote me a note, informing the world that I was not supposed to go back to work for a week and prescribed antibiotics. So, I stayed home, taught piano, gave away early Christmas gifts and dealt with my negative emotion. I hate being sick. Two days later, my dearest woke up with a fever and just barely made 2 1/2 hours at his place of work. We spent the next three/four days in bed, trying to drink liquids and break our fevers. There was one bonus: being sick together is always much preferred to being sick alone. So, while I wish that Jesse hadn't caught what I had, it was nice to spend time together. 

The kids arrived Christmas Eve. It was so, so good seeing them all. Six Holters in the same house. It's been awhile. Christmas morning brought presents... and presents... and more presents. We ate, drank and were merry. I am looking forward to doing it again next year. Minus the sick!

On the 30th, I photographed a wedding with my friend Simone. It was quite an experience. A very good experience. I know I will break this promise but I must say that I will never criticize another photographer. Haha. Most of that day, I was overwhelmed. There were so many pictures to be taken... so many precious moments to be captured. I love how some of the pictures turned out... others make me almost cry in frustration. But experience is always the best part of the job. Besides work at Pharmasave, teaching and all the other things that make up my life, I have been editing over a 1000 pictures from the wedding. There is such joy in it. Yes, it is time consuming and frustrating... and my eyes hurt sometimes. But it's worth it. I am in my element, as they say. And I am thoroughly impressed with Simone's ability as a photographer. She is so creative. Her pictures are beautiful. 

Here are a couple of my own favorites from that day. I love the joy expressed in these. This was a special day, filled with special people. 

And besides that, not much else. I feel my creative juices creeping slowly back into my brain. Tonight I made potato pancakes covered with lemon pepper and garlic salt, fried eggs and bacon. The potato pancakes were the artistic part of the meal, though due to eating mostly high protein, I could but only partake of them in scant portions... 

At any rate. I do apologize for the length of time between posts. It will probably happen again eventually but let's hope that for my brain it's not too soon. Here's to passion and deep, abiding love. 

Happy Christmas, New Years and all the lovely days that find us.