Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Joys of Now

Yesterday morning somewhere between 5:00 and 7:30 (at which time my alarm clock rang) I had this interesting discovery:

I have been so caught up in trying to change people's lives for the better that I have forgotten about simply enjoying people for who they are. They all have their special qualities; all give me thoughts to think; humorous moments to laugh about; memories to treasure...

So around 9 am yesterday morning, I went into DQ, not knowing what the day was going to hold. I was nervous  but I realized that God had been in those thoughts I had been thinking earlier. I decided to do my best, yes! however, I was going to make very sure I enjoyed myself thoroughly in the process. Regardless of what happened.

My job at DQ is creating ice-cream cakes. I would like to reassure you that my first cakes are nothing to be excited over. ;-) (I did one that I was really pleased with, which made me happy, but I know all creations after yesterday will be much more to my liking... experience :-)) But it was a good day, none-the-less. One of the most beautiful things was that DQ has hired natives of the Philippines. They are amazing people. They appreciate the work. Their joy is expressed in their diligence. Or maybe it was in the fact that they smiled most of the time.

When they were working within speaking distance, we chatted up a storm. They come from such different backgrounds than I do. And their minds work so differently than the typical western culture young people. All of them have left loved ones behind and you can see how lonely they are sometimes. But they all love Canada... except for the winters. This is amusing because when I asked Jane why she came to Canada, she said it was because she wanted to see the snow. I guess she didn't realize the pretty white stuff comes with cold. She said if she was to move back to the Philippines, that would be the reason.

So I spent the entire day just concentrating on my job, enjoying the people around me and talking to God. My job is in this little nook in which I was left to myself over 50% of the time so I had lots of time to think and pray. (Cake decorating only takes one part of my brain. ;-)) I was so uplifted and encouraged... resting in the love of my Savior.

It's interesting that after spending a day in much prayer, negativity fights hard for a place in my mind. I was almost asleep last night and suddenly, I was panicking over some things I did/said in the past two or three days. Things that may have come across wrong. Things that I had no clue about. Things that were not of my intention to say/do... and just as suddenly, "Don't worry about it." The past is the past. Now is what exists. All I can do is pray that God will bring the sunshine of Truth into the lives that are connected with mine.

Because my focus is Him. My focus is others. Right now.

(At camp, there was this adorable little gal ... her name is Hannah.)


Anonymous said...

I like your new layout :)

So often I forget to enjoy people too... I'm not here to *fix* them. I'll leave that up to God ;)

Decorating icecream cakes must be fun. You'll have to take a pic of two of some of your creations. Glad you are enjoying your new job and meeting new people!
Plus, it sounds like your job gives you ample time to think and pray and ponder. I like that!

Hannah is very adorable!

Naomi T. said...

Sam, thanks.. I love fall. It's so beautiful.

Good thought! I have been thinking Jesus and His relationships with those in His life. He enjoyed people as much as He did healing them... and I am not God! So, I'll just enjoy them. ;)

I don't have a camera (the one I was using was my sister Lydia's)... eventually I plan to get one but I want one of those really nice semi/professional ones. So it will probably be awhile before I get one. But when I do, I shall take pictures. Oh yes, indeed!! :D

Isn't she adorable?! I just love looking at pictures of her. :)

Anonymous said...

"I was almost asleep last night and suddenly, I was panicking over some things I did/said in the past two or three days. Things that may have come across wrong. Things that I had no clue about. Things that were not of my intention to say/do... and just as suddenly, "Don't worry about it." The past is the past."

About 8 years ago one of my very close friends and I were talking. We were speaking about another close friend and how he was acting very hurtful in some aspects, and how he was just being a jerk. I can't remember what I said, but my friend turned to me and said, "Kristy, this is the thing about this group of friends. We love (person), and even if he is acting like a huge Jerk right now, we will always love him and when he is ready, we will take him in and care for him."

That's when I realized, the people who matter, truly matter, are the people who love me and will always forgive me. No matter what I do.

This should be the same for you. ;)

- Kristy Wempe

Naomi T. said...

Thank you, Kristy! I appreciate this more than you know. I needed to hear this tonight. :) :hugs: and thank you again...